

TSHAFP is the edtiors favour panel comic of all time.
It was put out on a semi regular basis a few years ago by Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness (purveyers of radical culture and all manner of goodness) and instantly found a home on many a social centre wall.

Producers and shared freely, We'll be uploading it bit by bit, working our way through the 17 'zines.
If you can't wait tho... well put putting the full download fiules here (just as soon as I remove the upload size from this new backend haha - Ed.)

There is a compilation book which you can get from AK PRESS and other such distreputable places.

Bare with us, we're going to build a comic viewer for easy scrolling, but are currently updating the websites backend, so it's not ready yet, however we thought we'd crack on asn start sharing Donald work now. - Ed.

TSHAFP Archive