"We are not afraid of ruins!" - Têkoşîna Anarşîst


4th December 2024

More than five years ago SDF brought the caliphate of ISIS to an end. Now, with the new offensive of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, we risk a rebirth of their atrocities. HTS has united many jihadist groups with ex-fighters of the caliphate in their ranks. Recently they started a big offensive, breaking through the seige of Idlib and making the Syrian Arab Army collapse. Aleppo has been the first big city they captured, seizing big amounts of advanced weapons left behind by regime soldiers.

SDF reacted fast, sending reinforcements to protect the kurdish neigborhood of Sheh Maqsoud in Aleppo as well as the refugee camps of the Sheba region. But the proxy forces of the turkish army, SNA, started a new offensive coordinated with HTS, invading that same region of Sheba. The refugees displaced by the Turkish invasion of Afrin in 2018 are, once again, forced to leave their homes at a point of a gun. More than 100.000 people are now looking for shelter in improvised tents on the shores of the Euphrates river, still threatened by further advances of jihadist groups.

These new developments aggravate the instability of middle east, and should be observed together with other conflicts ongoing on the region. The Israeli occupation of Gaza, together with their attacks against hezbollah, weakened Iran’s position in Syria, limiting their hability to support the SAA. Russian troops, also weakened after almost three years of war in Ukraine, abandoned several ground positions and are brutally bombing Idlib and Aleppo from the sky. The US tries to keep outside of the conflict, knowing that Trump may push to withdraw their troops from Syrian soil. Turkish soldiers are not openly involved for now, but Turkish state is pulling the strings of SNA to continue their genocidal policies against kurdish people. Assad is trying to rally some international support from other arab countries, and Iran already started to send reinforcements for a combined counter-offensive with the SAA. In between this chaos, the Rojava Revolution and the Kurdish Liberation Movement resist as the main hope for revolutionaries in middle east.

The largest realignment of forces in Syria in the past five years is under way, and it may have implications we can not yet forsee. It is a complex situation, and we see how many journalist are stuggling to grasp it. Many western media have been encouraged by the march of HTS, even calling them a revolutionary opposition, «rebels» against the dictatorship of Assad. We also wish for the fall of the regime, but HTS and their «salvation goverment» is not a liberatory solution. Their aim is to replace the Assad dynasty with sharia laws and a islamic state, little different from what the Taliban are doing in Afganistan or what the Islamic Republic of Iran have done since 1979. This is not a future we can accept, and many syrians won’t accept it either.

We, as anarchists and as internationalists in Rojava, will play our role in these challenging times. We will fight alongside the SDF to defend and spread the revolutionary project, building a stateless society where the principles of democratic confederalism, pluralism and women’s revolution prevail. We call for all anarchist and other revolutionary forces, now more than ever, to defend Rojava!

We know that war brings suffering and destruction, but it can also open opportunities of free life for those who are ready. We saw what the victory over ISIS made possible here, and we are ready to continue fighting for a better future. Because we are not afraid of ruins! ■

Têkoşîna Anarşîst

Several comrades are asking:

What can I do to support the revolution?

– Traveling to NES is not possible right now, the borders are closed. But you can make sure that what is happening in Syria is known, writing articles, making interviews, podcasts, organizing talks and events in coordination with already existing solidarity commitees.

– If there are solidarity demonstrations in your region, join and support! if not, maybe you can start them!

– You can also provide economical support to those in more need, since the current humanitarian crisis is critical and needs our attention. For that, Heyva Sor is an independent organization already working to support and provide to those affected by the war in north-east Syria.

This is far from over, keep in touch and get ready for further steps!

Originally Posted on tekosinaanarsist.noblogs.org

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