Émigrés, Immigrants, Humans

Current Events

15th November 2021

“The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine, and found people simple enough to believe him, was the true founder of civil society. What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had someone pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: ‘Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!’ -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Migrants from poor countries are the first line of attack for retrenching governments and economies in a time of crisis. With limited rights and no visibility, migrants are often the first workers to lose their jobs when the recession bites; the first to be targeted by increased repression and new surveillance technologies; the first to be blamed and scapegoated for capitalism’s crises; and the first to be dispensed with when their labour is no longer needed.

In Chiapas the Mexican National Guard is currently harassing a migrant caravan of some 3000 on behalf of the USA who demands they are stopped before they are “forced” to deploy their border agents to beat up children again.In the Channel, we’ve had a summer of utterly contempable actions from Border Force putting the lives of the vunerable at great risk, In the Mediterranean, the rescue Ship “Sea Eye 4” recently saved some 800 people across a handful of operations over the past few days and on the Belarus-Poland border migrants are trapped between two militant and hostile border forces and they are dying.

“From the respectful Kurdish people to the European Union,
the United Nations, the international community of the world, human rights organizations, religious organs, newspaper and media channels (all over the world)

Please help us, save us….
We the immigrants in Poland want to migrate to other European countries and we don’t want to come back to our country because, freedom and bread, all the primary things of our lives have been abused and oppressed in every way…

We request from you to support us and help us to reach our destination.

The respected ones.
We have babies six months old with us, children of all ages, women and old men all hungry and thirsty. Please, we can’t handle all the pain and suffering on the border of Poland

Please please help us.
Despite the Polish troops, they got around 6000 police and soldiers to stop us from entering Germany through Poland’s territory. No matter how they fight us we are in a very bad situation

Please we are tired, we are tired..
Despite the fact that the Polish police and soldiers are pouring poisonous gas on us from the land and sky, we are all burnt because of it… They give us bad words, they give us false accusations and unrighteousness. Please come to our rescue..

Please please please save us …..
Immigrants on the border of Poland”

(Mildly edited for readability by Organise!)

This was the call shared on social medias the following day.

Shortly after, news crews got hold of bits of footage, it shows Belarussian soldiers escorting the migrants down to the border, the migrants are then accosted by a militant border force from Poland.

Neither government cares, Belarus is threatening Russian intervention while Poland is backed up by the EU as the EC president, Ursula von der Leyen, pledges more support .

“The Poles have reacted correctly so far,” Horst Seehofer, the German interior minister, told Bild. “We need the structural security of borders. We have to publicly support the Poles! ….[They] are doing a very important service for the whole of Europe.”

For them it’s a game with the Russians, for the migrants it is the lives of their families. A proxy war of petty politics.

These people need material aid now. There have been numerous deaths leading up to this and that’s before winter hits. The British response has been to send army engineers to see if they can improve the border fence.

Please check what means of donation are up after publication., lives depend on this solidarity, check with local migrant solidarity and anarchist aid projects as they will know what is happening and how you can provide support.

The AF donated £300 to local comrades who are on the ground supporting, If you would like to donate via our local contacts give us a nudge and we can sort that out. £300 is no where near enough. The moment we find a public and validated frundraiser we will share that.

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Anarchism in the Mainstream| Spindrift

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