In response, thousands of people in the outlying banlieues of Paris and other French cities engaged in several days of pitched revolt..
"The text of this peice/zine draws on the autopsy of the Dekalb County Medical Examiner to debunk the police narrative about the events of January 18 and explore what the police stand to gain from lying to us."
This is an extract from a piece written by CrimethInc. To read that piece Click Here. To download it as a print ready zine Click Here. ■
This article is a short report on the content of fellow Anarchist/Adjecent news outlets which have been de-platformed by Twitter due to political censorship. Please added these websites to your rotation and share them widely on socia media, especially Twitter.
- It's Going Down (formerly of @IGD_News - Now @[email protected])
- Sub.Media (formerly of @Submedia - Now @[email protected])
- CrimethInc. (formely of @Crimethinc - Now @[email protected])
+ Many more.
In response, thousands of people in the outlying banlieues of Paris and other French cities engaged in several days of pitched revolt..
"Here, we have hurriedly translated two statements from Russian anarchist groups. Both, of necessity, are underground groups: one is based in Siberia, and the other is the Anarcho-Communist Combat Organization, which we interviewed last year."
May Day; Fight Against Cop City Continues; Cleveland Anarchist Killed in Ukraine
Attention IGD listeners on Pacifica radio! It’s Going Down is moving from Fridays at 12 NOON to Wednesdays at 11 AM – 12 PM NOON, right between Letters and Politics and Against the Grain
"Macron is relying on lethal police violence to crush a powerful movement against his pension reform. Will he succeed?
An overview and analysis including translated accounts from the streets."
"In France, a new surge of protest activity has erupted against the government of Emmanuel Macron in response to an unpopular pension reform. This promises to be the most powerful unrest in France since the Yellow Vest movement. In the following introduction and translation, we explore the roots, forms, and prospects of this movement."