Strike Wave

5th June 2023
Strike Wave | Current Events

With the bosses?
With the union reps?
With the rank and file?

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26th May 2023
Solidarity is Not Enough | Strike Wave

The hashtag #generalstrike is over-optimistic and workers’ self-management is not on the table. The current wave of strikes is not about how the economy is run, but about workers having some say in how the proceeds of the economy are distributed.

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25th May 2023
The Mood is Radical... | Strike Wave

We have had a track record of winning disputes through industrial action (notably in 2007). In spite of defeats in more recent disputes, our dissatisfaction and ongoing dissent has set the tone for the confrontation.

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24th May 2023

We will win some things, we’ll lose some. This whole thing has been quite emotional. It has been empowering seeing action in the form of strikes, in the wider social, in the wider context of the strike wave alongside other workers, it has been inspirational, to see a bit of class pride and solidarity.  I only hope it radicalised more of our colleagues. 

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23rd May 2023
Class (Room) Warfare | Strike Wave

The strike day itself was inspirational! 40,000 teachers marched in London, 9,000 in Bristol and 10,000s more joining hundreds of demos in their towns and cities.

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22nd May 2023
Building at the Base | Strike Wave

... if we leave it to union bosses, workers will walk away from disputes with less than they could have won...

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