Bayram Memmedov, an anarchist and conscientious objector comrade, who was arrested in 2016 in Azerbaijan and who was released in 2019 with amnesty, was found dead in Istanbul. According to the crime scene investigation report prepared by the Turkish police, which was partially released to certain media outlets and shared in the social media platforms, Memmedov fell into the sea on May 2, while trying to grab his slippers, drifted offshore at sea and disappeared. The police report prepared by the police on Memmedov’s death did not define his death as ”suspicious”. The behavior of the Turkish police, acting hastily, as if they are trying to cover up the issue, made Memmedov’s death more suspicious in our eyes.
According to the police report, the police arrived at the scene upon receiving information about a male individual who could not get out of the sea on 02.05.2021 at around 15.00 on the Moda 2 beach (in İstanbul). According to the eyewitness testimonies, the 25-30 years old male individual had his slippers fall into the sea, went into the sea to take them out, however, he could not get out of the sea himself and after disappeared after fluttering in the sea.
Who are these eyewitnesses that saw Memmedov going to the sea to take his slippers? Did the police identify these eyewitnesses and take their formal statements? In a crowded and central place in İstanbul such as the Moda beach, why the eyewitnesses or anyone else in the area did not intervene in the situation? Are surveillance records on the event investigated? Why and how such a death could be defined as ”not suspicious”? Is it because the police is trying to cover up a potential murder case, without an autopsy or a proper investigation?
It is evident from the report that the police have arrived to the scene after Mammadov’s disappearance and his body was found at sea by the security guards near the Haydarpaşa Train Station. Is it not suspicious enough that the body, rather than sinking or drifting offshore, drifted about a two kilometers long indented coastline to finally reach the Haydarpaşa Train Station?
Further questions can be added to these questions and we are certain that in the near future they will be powed. However, for the time being we declare that we will pursue the truth about the suspicious death of our anarchist comrade and we will not let this death to be covered up! We demand to know! #WhatHappenedtoBayram ■
Yeryüzü Postası
Anarchist Bayram Mammadov has been the target of the Azerbaijani state since the first day he opposed it. He was tortured, slandered, imprisoned, and ultimately forced to live as a political exile. Now the Turkish state says that Bayram committed suicide. We know they are lying. As we wrote in our banner, the state murdered Bayram. We were protesting today in front of the Azerbaijan consulate with our banner to spread the truth to the whole world. We will not stop asking what happened to Bayram!. ■
DAF held a protest outside the Azerbaijani Embassy. video:
Honor and struggle for anarchist Bayram Mammadov
It was 2016 when anarchist Bayram Mammadov together with Gias Ibrahimov were arrested by Azerbaijani cops, in accusation of writing graffiti on the statu of Dictator Heider Aliov who is the father of recent Dictator of Azerbaijan Elham Aliov; On the statu of Dictator Heider Aliov was written "happy slave's day". The comrades were tortured by Azerbaijani cops to admission the accusations. The cops forced the comrades to accept the fake accusations about serious criminal activities of drugs by torturing them. Although the comrades were tortured and forced to accept false drug charges, it was clear that the totalitarian regime in Azerbaijan was seeking to criminalize the comrades on false charges. The totalitarian regime even tried to force the comrades to publicly apologize in front of the statue of dictator Heidar Aliov, but the comrades bravely refused the political demand of the regime. The comrades were eventually sentenced to 10 years in prison on false charges, but were released under public pressure against the azerbaijanian regime, after three years of torture in the prisons of the totalitarian regime in Azerbaijan.
Anarchist Bayram Mammadov, who has been living in Turkey for some time after his release in 2019, today, May 5, that his dead body had been taken from the water.(according to the information)
"What happened to him needs to be clarified."
The dictatorial regime of Azerbaijan, along with the dictatorship of Turkey, which is moving towards a theocratic regime, are longing for an empire built by Ottoman Islamist terrorists. Severe domestic repression along with attacks abroad are part of this terrorist mechanism that the Turkish and Azerbaijani regimes are pursuing as planning.
Elham Aliov is the political legacy of the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB. Former Azerbaijani dictator Heydar Aliyev, as the founder of the New Azerbaijan Party, was a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party from 1982 to 1987; Dictator Heidar Aliov has repeatedly shown his loyalty to the Soviet Communist Party and the KGB (Dictator Heider Aliov was the member of KGB from 1941 until 1969). In 1969, Heidar Aliov was appointed by the KGB to Secretary-General the Communist Party of Azerbaijan (That is why Haidar Aliov left the KGB). After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the bolshevic Hiday Aliov continued its domination on Azerbaijan by creating the party of New Azerbaijan in 1992, and finally bolshevik Heydar Aliyev died on December 12, 2003, at the age of 80.
Dictator Elham Aliov, got the power in Azerbaijan after the death of his Bolshevic father. Dictator Elham Aliov was study in Moscow International Relations Institute and educated by KGB. The Moscow International Relations Institute, specifically, was one of the centers to making spies and mercenary for KGB, which the students were coming from other regions to be trained by KGB and then returned to their hometown to do the policies of KGB. (The Moscow International Relations Institute was created in 1944 by KGB specifically to create the international students who have ability to do the policies of KGB in their hometowns). The fact that Elham Aliov was a teacher in the Moscow International Relations Institute from 1985 until 1990 is a proof that Dictator Elham Aliov like his Bolshevic father was a member of KGB and Bolshevic.
The suspicious death of anarchist Bayram Mammadov should be brought to the attention of the international movement. Bolshevic Elham Aliov has taught the KGB assassination plots in Moscow for many years, this is not out of reality that these neo-bolsheviks have killed our comrade Bayram Memmedov.
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