RBG Review

17th July 2024
Everything to Play For | Review

Marijam Didžgalvytė (Marijam Did) has a book coming out in Autumn called Everything to Play For, How Videogames are Changing the World (EPF). I was one of the lucky few to be given an advance copy. My deadline for getting my notes into shape was extremely tight but I found the book an engaging read, […]

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22nd June 2022

The player is instructed to deliver 20 CVs (job applications/resumes) into “submission boxes,” which are appropriately trashcans, scattered throughout a nearly deserted city, the only inhabitants being Scotty, the Centrelink desk clerk, and a giant floating Scott Morrison head. I’m not kidding.

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8th May 2021
Disarm The Base | Red And Black Gamers

Unlike games like Riot or Bloc by Bloc, this is not a game of molotovs, guns, and violence. This is a non-violent, stealthy affair where the aim isn't to overcome the security guards but avoid them and weave your way through the defences, tracking down fighter planes and disarming them.

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1st November 2019
The Outer Worlds | RBG

I really don't understand where other people are coming from with their fawning affection over the games revolutionary patter. It's all surface, it's hideously shallow and pretty inept.

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26th September 2019
Wanted: Monty Mole | RBG

During the height of the 1984-85 UK Miner’s Strike, Wanted: Monty Mole for the ZX Spectrum was released, in which the titular character; a strike-breaking miner collects coal from a South Yorkshire coal mine in order to support his family during the strike. The antagonist, Arthur Scargil (leader of the National Union of Mineworkers) is defeated by venturing into ‘Arthur’s Castle’ and collecting ballot papers while dodging flying pickets and cans of Scargil’s signature hair spray.

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12th May 2019
A Bewitching Revolution

The world opens up before me a small functional apartment in a grey city, open sky above me shows flying cars darting round a bleak cityscape. The apartment is illuminated by a few dashes of colour in the form of incense sticks with drifty smoke rising up, flowers dotted about, a square wheeled bicycle in […]

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18th March 2019
Space Cats Fight Fascism

It’s ok… read that name a few more times… go on buy a copy before I’ve even talked about it. Ok, you ready?… Is it as good a game as it is a name? Fuck yeah. The TESA collective have pedigree for making top quality tabletop games with a strong social message, from Co-opoly to […]

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14th March 2019

Orwell is a PC game that sees you take on the role of an investigator tasked with implementing the nation's 'safety bill', by tracking down dangerous extremists. The first part 'keeping an eye on you' was released in 2016, with the second 'Ignorance is Strength' being released this year. The game is designed to feel […]

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