Theory And Analysis

1st October 2024
Anarchism's Least Wanted: Organizing In conservative Regions | Spindrift

This essay is dedicated to all those who say to us “Why bother? It’s hopeless. Just move away to a more progressive state.”

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6th September 2024
New Ways To Nurture Fire | Theory

A few months ago, I came across a funny anecdote in this article summarising police surveillance against Black Anarchist jailhouse lawyer and radical educator, Martin Sostre & his partner and comrade Geraldine Robinson. It described a peculiar scene during a three day riot in Buffalo, New York against police brutality starting on the 27th of […]

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25th July 2022
What the Corona Virus Pandemic Can Teach Us About Security Culture | Theory And Analysis

It is rare that there are paradigm shifts in our security practices either because of changing circumstances or new technologies. These things often happen slowly and in ways we don’t notice until we retrospect over long periods of time. We don’t have the opportunity to see a drastic change and compare how things were before and after.

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10th May 2021
Sleepwalking into a police state | Theory and Analysis

On the 24th March, a protest is held in Bristol specifically focused on the anti-GRT elements of the bill. One sign reads, ‘first they came for the gypsies.’

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3rd May 2021
Since 2010 At Least 1300 Women and Children Have Been Sexually or Physically Attacked by UK Cops. PT 3 | Theory and Analysis

Every day they aren’t helped means society has failed in yet another way. And at these pitiful levels of prosecution, clearly the justice system has failed too. It needs to go. From Community Support Officers to the stupid fucking wigs that judges wear, and everything in between. It all must go. It’s all a bad joke. They are not here to protect us. Anyone who still has faith is either uninformed or lying to themselves.

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2nd May 2021
Since 2010 At Least 1300 Women and Children Have Been Sexually or Physically Attacked by UK Cops. PT 2 | Theory and Analysis

The Police care very little for rooting out their corrupt officers. That it’s incredibly easy for cops to misuse the data they collect, and soon they’ll have access to even more. It should be even clearer that The Police have no interest in treating institutional misogyny with the seriousness it deserves.

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1st May 2021
Since 2010 At Least 1300 Women and Children Have Been Sexually or Physically Attacked by UK Cops. PT 1 | Theory and Analysis

I’m not a data scientist, I’m just a blogger with time on his hands and a limited knowledge of Excel. The biggest insight I can offer is: Why the fuck is no one counting this?

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25th September 2020
Street Anarchy pt.3 – The Third Movement | Theory and Analysis

To compete with the establishment unions using their weapons is either a waste of time or suicide. The nature of libertarian unionism always was multifaceted, and extended beyond the purely laboural plane. In order to survive, anarcho-syndicalism needs to adopt integral solutions and offer tools not limited to factories or even consumer cooperatives, but that directly address the issues of the poorest neighbourhoods. We must bring back the renters unions that anarcho-syndicalism pushed for back in the 30s, and take neighbours demands to a different plane.

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4th June 2020
Against the Terror of Anti-Terror | International

... the government has consistently shown itself as the primary violator of our freedom, our security, and our right to live. Whether it be on issues of labor, civil rights, the indigenous peoples, or even human life, the State continues to side with the powerful and supports Capital, the wealthy, and the privileged.

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29th May 2020
Street Anarchy pt.2 – Social Struggle | Theory and Analysis

the anarchist model we propose doesn’t need to convert people into anarchists to work; that would be abhorrent. Anarchism for the anarchists is chauvinism. Anarchism becomes useful when is directed towards those that aren’t and will never be anarchists. That is when a project or model proves it works.

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2nd May 2020
Street Anarchy pt.1 - Two Anarchisms | Theory and Analysis

The dichotomies between “anarchisms” evolve periodically. During the late 19th century it was between collectivists and communists, organisation and anti-organisation, individualists and syndicalists, pure syndicalists and anarcho-syndicalists, etc. Today this theoretical brawl, which seems to develop cyclically, has been established between insurrectionism and social anarchism.

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30th April 2020
Is this the Time for a Rent Strike? | Theory and Analysis

Capitalism is global. States support one another at the global level. A revolution in one single place isn’t possible, at least not for the long term. An internationalist vision is essential in this time of pandemic, xenophobia, borders, and transnational corporations.

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