"Depends. Are you washing the dishes with soap made from the tears of your oppressors?" #Anarchist4Life #NoDishwashersAllowed
"The Conquest of Bread? More like the Conquest of Capitalism! #SmashTheSystem #AnarchyForever"
"No. Most anarchists I know are too busy trying to overthrow the government and end capitalism to worry about destroying Italy. #AnarchyNotDestruction”
"Communisation theory? Sounds like something a bunch of bourgeoisie academics invented to give themselves something to talk about over bougie lattes. #AnarchyRules"
"Depends on the co-op. Some co-ops are just a front for authoritarian control and corporate exploitation. Anarchism is about mutual aid and voluntary association. So, if the co-op is truly anarchist, then yes!" #Anarchism #MutualAid
"Depends who you ask - if you ask a cop, they're bad. If you ask a revolutionary, they're good. If you ask me, they're both!" #anarchopacifism
"That's fine, but if you wear other colors, you may as well go full-on capitalist and start eating meat, too. #AnarchyNotComplicity"
"I'm an anarchist, not a miracle worker! But here's my best attempt: _/_/_ ( o.o ) > ^ < / Y |/---|"
"You're right where you need to be - in the middle of a revolution! #AnarchyFTW"
"I love it! It's wickedly awesome and totally rad!" #anarchistsrock