BAR Review

17th July 2024
Everything to Play For | Review

Marijam Didžgalvytė (Marijam Did) has a book coming out in Autumn called Everything to Play For, How Videogames are Changing the World (EPF). I was one of the lucky few to be given an advance copy. My deadline for getting my notes into shape was extremely tight but I found the book an engaging read, […]

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4th October 2023
Means and Ends | Review

Means and Ends is as robust as its research and the argumentation is as clear as the general prose styling.

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1st June 2023
Re-Organise | Review

This trio of booklets is a new benchmark for materials for nascent organisers and seasoned comrades both. They provide an array of valuable lessons which will prove useful for anyone working to establish a cooperative or sim

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4th May 2023
Andor | Review

I’ve got 500 words. I’m pairing down from 4000. Urgh.

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16th November 2022
Islam and Anarchism | Review

... assuming that I take the claims of Islamic faith on their face, how convincing do I find the arguments insofar as they address various anarchist positions?

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