
17th July 2024
Everything to Play For | Review

Marijam Didžgalvytė (Marijam Did) has a book coming out in Autumn called Everything to Play For, How Videogames are Changing the World (EPF). I was one of the lucky few to be given an advance copy. My deadline for getting my notes into shape was extremely tight but I found the book an engaging read, […]

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28th June 2024
Tax Riots in Kenya | International

At least 200 people have been injured, there have been at least 100 arrests and one protester has been murdered by the police following demonstrations against president William Ruto’s tax increases.

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13th March 2024
What Solution for Palestine? | International

There is just no escaping the absolute inadequacy of statism and nationalism for resolving questions of social justice. Here the Anarchist tradition has an old proposal that looks much more promising.

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16th February 2024
The trouble with “any other minority” | Opinion

This denial undermines solidarity and risks pushing trans people who aren’t white and able-bodied out of trans liberation movement spaces.

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26th July 2022
RIOT: Civil Unrest | Red & Black Gamers

Riot: Civil Unrest is a pretty interesting educational tool. It gives players a sense of how chaotic the aforementioned uprisings were, while allowing them to choose how things play out. Sadly, the game is plagued with somewhat buggy and unresponsive AI, which is the game’s near-fatal flaw.

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9th June 2022
How Many Trans Kids Should There Be? | Theory and Analysis

while we cannot account for when young trans people are likely to discover they are trans, all trans people were born at some point and it seems reasonable to assume that the proportion of these births per year at least sets a reasonable “cap” to our expectation values for new trans youth discovering they need support from gender identity services.

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