Kill The Bill

19th January 2022
Lordy Lordy, Haven’t You Been Naughty | Current Events

While the entire political and media establishment is working itself up into a frenzy over some farcical scandal, burying tyranny beneath the low-hanging fruit of hypocrisy, it may be easy to forget about our continued slide into Fascism.[

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7th December 2021
Ready for the police state? | Current Events

On Wednesday 8 December, the House of Lords will begin amending the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. Join the protest at 5-7pm in Victoria Tower Gardens, Westminster (adjacent to Lambeth Bridge north side).

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3rd October 2021
The Bill Is Killing Us | Theory And Analysis

Of course, what the law states the police should and shouldn't do and what they actually do are very different things. As a 'mixed race black male' (my PNC record definition) I have been stopped and searched over 50 times in my life.

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