
2nd July 2024
Be Brave. Don't Vote. Revolt | Opinion

I want you to know, it’s OK to vote, we need to stop shaming each other for such tacit involvement in in the electoral state, we’re all at different points along the journey

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6th May 2024
Encampment | Opinion

You never forget your first police violence. Some of us, we grown up with the boot tight on our throat, casually accepting the daily PMCs and pushing about, cops and security watching your every step in town and vans of thugs shoving you to the ground on the slightest provocation. We accept it as the […]

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16th February 2024
The trouble with “any other minority” | Opinion

This denial undermines solidarity and risks pushing trans people who aren’t white and able-bodied out of trans liberation movement spaces.

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6th June 2023
The Wrong ‘Uns Walking Group | Opinion

We need to use our rights to walk public footpaths, or we are at risk of losing them. I can say that I regularly find public footpaths overgrown or fenced off illegally by landowners trying to deny the public using them.

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15th May 2023
On Books... | Opinion

There seems to be a revived appetite for people to meet up and we’re certainly not short of political crises to discuss and agitate around.

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9th May 2023
Scratch a Transphobe: Pt 2 How Can We Respond | Opinion

Of course, the truth is that there is no such competition between feminism and trans rights, quite the opposite, fascism and patriarchy are the enemy of us all.

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8th May 2023
The loneliness of the small-town anarcho-communist | Opinion

Go and chain yourself to the railings by all means, but you’re in with a good chance of discovering that your arresting officer lives three doors down, goes to the same pub as you, and is the brother of a local councillor...

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2nd May 2023
Scratch a Transphobe: Pt 1 | Opinion

I argue that the anti-gender and mainstream fascist movements are one and the same. The differentiation between so-called ‘TERFs’ and white nationalist fascists is effectively pointless and the muddying of the waters on this point has only served to help them spread their hatred.

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8th March 2023
Casual Sexism | Opinion

It’s so easy to fail to act, or to laugh along with sexist jokes, for fear of being thought of as too angry or overly serious, but when placed in this context, failing to call out casual sexism where you encounter it can help to create a progressively more dangerous climate of bullying and abuse.

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7th March 2023
Fix Your Hearts or Die | Opinion

All the people who have made me afraid have been cisgender men. Trans women are not, and never have been, a threat to me.

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14th November 2021
COP26OUT | Opinion

They billed COP26 as our last best hope for environmental stability. It failed.

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31st March 2021
Anyone Who Says Protests Are Counterproductive Is Expressing Their Own Preferences | Opinion

Almost all successful protest anywhere in the world have some kind of violent element or confrontations with the police.

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