Burn After Reading

17th March 2019
Pereira Maintains

Pereira maintains he is non-political. He edits the culture page of the Lisboa - an evening paper, and therefore not in the same league as other newspapers of Lisbon, but he was sure it would sooner or later make its mark, even if the culture staff consisted solely of himself, one man sweating with heat […]

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15th March 2019
Chav Solidarity - Review

Trigger warning. This review recounts abuse and violence, the book more so. “D. Hunter is a an ageing chav, whose first 25 years depended upon the informal economy including sex work, robbing and dealing. For the last 12 years he has been an anti-capitalist motivated community organiser.” “This book is built on the backs of […]

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14th March 2019
A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things

Welcome to the Capitalocene. Humans, at least some of them, are killing everything, from megafauna to microbiota, at speeds one hundred times faster than the background rate. The scale of destruction can’t be simply extrapolated from the excesses of our knuckle-dragging forebears. What has really changed since the 1400s is capitalism - and this is […]

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