Organise 96

15th June 2022
The Right To Be Left Alone | Theory & Analysis

An anarchist treatise on when larger society may interact with the individual in a post-revolutionary society.

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13th June 2022
The Trouble With Slogans | Theory & Analysis

Can we free our minds to the possibilities of complexity? Or are we forever doomed to see the world in less than 240 characters?

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11th June 2022
“Proper Boxes”: ADHD & Anti-Authoritarianism | Theory & Analysis

One of the most liberatory concepts that I learned about after stumbling upon this renaissance of ADHD knowledge was that of neurodiversity, a concept coined in 1998 by sociologist Judy Singer, who, with the help of journalist Harvey Blume, brought the idea into mainstream discussion.

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9th June 2022
How Many Trans Kids Should There Be? | Theory and Analysis

while we cannot account for when young trans people are likely to discover they are trans, all trans people were born at some point and it seems reasonable to assume that the proportion of these births per year at least sets a reasonable “cap” to our expectation values for new trans youth discovering they need support from gender identity services.

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7th June 2022
Mutual Aid: A Short Primer | Theory and Analysis

Simply put, mutual aid is the method of organising – often spontaneous and informal – in which people or collectives provide aid to one another without transactional elements, and often outside of the world of formal economics.

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31st May 2022
Ready or Not | Red & Black Gamers

Even more funny, many of the suspects call you a pig as you arrest them.

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