Can we free our minds to the possibilities of complexity? Or are we forever doomed to see the world in less than 240 characters?
Can we free our minds to the possibilities of complexity? Or are we forever doomed to see the world in less than 240 characters?
One of the most liberatory concepts that I learned about after stumbling upon this renaissance of ADHD knowledge was that of neurodiversity, a concept coined in 1998 by sociologist Judy Singer, who, with the help of journalist Harvey Blume, brought the idea into mainstream discussion.
Through this system of rotating the workforce through positions that are actually structural, the legal regulation limiting the chaining of temporary contracts and determining the causality of contracting for work was being violated, forcing those who actually performed permanent functions to be presumed to be permanent.
while we cannot account for when young trans people are likely to discover they are trans, all trans people were born at some point and it seems reasonable to assume that the proportion of these births per year at least sets a reasonable “cap” to our expectation values for new trans youth discovering they need support from gender identity services.
Letters, cards and photographs are important to prisoners as it means they have a connection to their families and freinds - this policy just further isolates them.
Simply put, mutual aid is the method of organising – often spontaneous and informal – in which people or collectives provide aid to one another without transactional elements, and often outside of the world of formal economics.
The scheme had some success at first. Indeed it did! But many concerns still worried the king: while he was more popular than ever before, making the changes people had asked for left him looking weak.
Even more funny, many of the suspects call you a pig as you arrest them.
It feels a little bit like being an evangelical. People look at you like, ‘what the fuck?’ But sometimes it is the only way to actually get in contact with people.
The resistence continues daily. They go out and face live ammunition from shotguns and AK47's aswell as water cannons, tear gas, and melee weapons. The state is murdering people almost daily. The struggle continues.
It was a great day, we did a heroic epic against the government forces despite the brutal suppression of the fascist government forces, we were in a state of steadfastness and resistance. The government forces tried new tactics and the addition of police dogs and horses to clamp down on the rebels.
A quick summary about demonstrations which took place this last Saturday in France against far right, and more specifically against the presence of Marine Le Pen in the second turn of presidential elections.