The victors are celebrating the anniversary of the Commune of 1871.
The victors are celebrating the anniversary of the Commune of 1871.
March 7-—Distant rumbling reaches my ears as I cross the Nevsky. It sounds again, stronger and nearer, as if rolling toward me.
March 6-—Today Kronstadt sent out by radio a statement of its position. It reads:...
March 5~---Many Bolsheviki refuse to believe that the Soviet resolution will be carried out. lt were too monstrous a thing to attack by force of arms the “pride and glory of the Russian Revolution”...
March 4-Late at night. The extraordinary session of the Petro-Soviet in the Tauride Palace was packed with Communists, mostly youngsters, fanatical and intolerant.
Great nervous tension in the city. The strikes continue labour disorders have again taken place in Moscow. A wave of discontent is sweeping the country. Peasant uprisings are reported from Tambov, Siberia, the Ukraine, and Caucasus.
March 3~—Kronstadt is disturbed. It disapproves of the Govemment’s drastic methods against the dissatisfied workers. The men of the warship Petropavlovsk have passed a resolution of sympathy with the strikers.
March 2—Most disquieting reports. Large strikes have broken out in Moscow.
March l--—Many arrests are taking place. Groups of strikers surrounded by Chekists, on their way to prison, are a common sight.
February 28--Strikers’ proclamations have appeared on the streets today.