
26th January 2024
The Man Came Around | Review

The Man Came Around is a game of complex moral decisions, where you attempt to navigate across a militarised border with a group of people fleeing an authoritarian regime. Organise sat down with its developer, Thierry, to talk about indie game creation, the game, and the all-too-real politics and events that inspired it.

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31st May 2022
Ready or Not | Red & Black Gamers

Even more funny, many of the suspects call you a pig as you arrest them.

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2nd October 2021
Thatcher’s Tech Base | RBG

I’m old enough to remember the lingering effects of the Conservative governments of the 1980s and 1990s partly because the Labour governments that followed did very little to change or counter act that legacy. So I ate everything TTB was serving me.

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