I want you to know, it’s OK to vote, we need to stop shaming each other for such tacit involvement in in the electoral state, we’re all at different points along the journey
I want you to know, it’s OK to vote, we need to stop shaming each other for such tacit involvement in in the electoral state, we’re all at different points along the journey
Every genocide in history has had its foreign backers and profiteers. Prince Andrew, BP and the Tories of the APPGA should rightfully be seen no differently than the fascist sympathisers, industrialists and aristocrats that supported the Nazis.
It has now been 13 years since the Tories came to power, 13 years of economic misery, rising bigotry and autocratic overreach. The past year has felt like the culmination of the Tory political project, as all of these disgraceful movements have accelerated beyond what we’re capable of keeping up with.
Today we were heartbroken to hear that our national mummy, the inbreeder-in-chief, Elizabeth Windsor, has left our earthly plain. As the clock struck some hours before us plebs were allowed to find out, the eternal soul of our once-assumed-to-be eternal Queen slithered out of its withered vessel and abandoned its realm, safe in the knowledge […]
It was the corrupting influence of power that turned Boris Johnson into that pathetic shell of a human that we know him as today. It was power that made the Tory rats flee the sinking ship at the very last possible moment. And it is power that will continue to make our lives worse, unless we do something about it.
It should be clear that the Partygate scandal is vacuous to the point of absurdity. So why are we talking about it now?
Ashwin ArchiveAshwinAward winning outsider artist . Illustrator . Punker
As the private election inside the the Tory party comes closer and it looks to everyone like our next PM will be Boris Johnson, we thought we'd ask an international comrade whose knows very little about the man to do a little research and let us know what conclusions fresh eyes come to. These are his results...