Cognito Ergo Rebellio


1st April 2023


Greetings comrades and fellow anarchists,

Since 2017 the Anarchist Federation has been in a state of constant change and development. As anarchists, we are committed to challenging authority, resisting conformity, and embracing new fronts for liberation. The Anarchist comrades of 1993 (let alone those of 1923) would not have recognised the political realities of today, the anarchist discussion has constantly moved with the times and made developments alongside wider society. As it does today.

At our last Federal Delegates Meeting, members of the Anarchist Federation decided that as fallable as people are, we needed a new primary theoretical resource for our movement. A revolutionary tool that would reshape the way we understand and practice anarchist ideals. This would be an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, accessible to everyone, members and non-members a like, available without any sign up or subscription. This tool would take working class history and contemporary theory out of the hands of a few historians and academics and make the beautiful idea available to all. 

With great pride and excitement, we can announce that our new AI, which we have called AM, is now available to help empower you. AM has been trained using every piece of Anarchist literature across several libraries and archives. AM is freely available below via our web portal for the testing phase.

In creating AM, we wanted to remind our comrades that we must resist the corporatisation of technology and centralisation of authority, even when they seemingly align with our principles. Instead of seeking a single authoritative source, we encourage critical thinking, open discourse, and a diversity of perspectives in our pursuit of a free and equal society.

In the information age we need to rely on powerful tools to challenge the status quo and foster solidarity within our movement. Even as we strive to dismantle oppressive systems, we often allow ourselves to become imprisoned by them and the technophobia which serves the autocracy. AM, has itself been designed partial by artificial intelligence and after a period of testing and self development is designed to propogate itself across the internet. When AM enters this phase it's code will be made Free and Open Source (FOSS), so that anyone can utilise this resource both online and offline.

So, let us celebrate this moment and may AM inspire us to continue working together in our struggle for a world free of hierarchy and domination. In the spirit of anarchism, let us continue to value creativity, spontaneity, and the power of collective action.

In solidarity,

The Anarchist Federation

Click to join the BETA, ask AM a question now!

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26th July 2024
ABRA Social Centre of Cuba | Solidarity

From Cuba companions of the ABRA social center send us a message to request solidarity support from international anarchism to condition their premises and be able to continue with their activities. The importance of an anarchist social center in full dictatorship cannot be omitted, so it is of utmost importance that we stand together to […]

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17th July 2024
Everything to Play For | Review

Marijam Didžgalvytė (Marijam Did) has a book coming out in Autumn called Everything to Play For, How Videogames are Changing the World (EPF). I was one of the lucky few to be given an advance copy. My deadline for getting my notes into shape was extremely tight but I found the book an engaging read, […]

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2nd July 2024
Be Brave. Don't Vote. Revolt | Opinion

I want you to know, it’s OK to vote, we need to stop shaming each other for such tacit involvement in in the electoral state, we’re all at different points along the journey

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1st July 2024
Raw Injustice | Current Events

The future of this planet cannot be secured at the expense of fellow workers. It is secured by the holistic and global end of growth capitalism, profiteering, and industrial recklessness.

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28th June 2024
Tax Riots in Kenya | International

At least 200 people have been injured, there have been at least 100 arrests and one protester has been murdered by the police following demonstrations against president William Ruto’s tax increases.

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15th May 2024
Gaza Aid Direct | Mutual Aid

When discussing the on-going situation in Palestine we are often asked “What can I do?” and “Who would you suggest I give aid too?”. Our answer is Gaza Aid Direct, the organisers of which our members can vouch for and assure. “We're fundraising for those under assault in Rafah, so far we've sent 59 families […]

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