"Here, we have hurriedly translated two statements from Russian anarchist groups. Both, of necessity, are underground groups: one is based in Siberia, and the other is the Anarcho-Communist Combat Organization, which we interviewed last year."
This is an extract from a piece written by CrimethInc. To read that piece Click Here. ■
This article is a short report on the content of fellow Anarchist/Adjecent news outlets which have been de-platformed by Twitter due to political censorship. Please added these websites to your rotation and share them widely on socia media, especially Twitter.
- It's Going Down (formerly of @IGD_News - Now @[email protected])
- Sub.Media (formerly of @Submedia - Now @[email protected])
- CrimethInc. (formely of @Crimethinc - Now @[email protected])
+ Many more.