
6th October 2019
Bigger Fish | Comics

This is one reason I have difficulty taking libertarians seriously (among many, many, many other reasons).

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3rd October 2019
Desert | Review

Desert has become something of an online sensation since publication by an anonymous author in 2011. It starts from the quite plausible premise that we will not be able to limit climate change in any meaningful sense; that runaway heating is inevitable, that large sections of the globe will become uninhabitable. As this happens, human populations will shrink rapidly due to wars, malnutrition and the vulnerability to disease that these bring. It is not an optimistic view of the future. Humanity will not be able to pull itself together to do anything about it. Unsurprisingly, it has developed a cult following amongst Nihilists and anarcho-individualists.

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2nd October 2019
NO PASARAN! | Report

The follow is a Report on the NO PASARAN! demonstration of September 14th from comrades with the Anarchist Political Organisation (APO) of Greece.

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28th September 2019
Productivity Is Not Your Friend | Theory And Analysis

Productivity can be the reverse side of consumption. Being productive could foster consumption. Some business models rely on generating demand for their products. Whether production and consumption are enriching or destructive activities depends on the relationship between human beings and the environment. In an exploitative and extractive economy, productivity and consumption mean both exploitation of other humans and the decimation of nature.

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27th September 2019
Strawman Argument | Comics

If you really want to save the Earth with personal lifestyle changes, you could always try building your next guillotine out of reclaimed wood

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26th September 2019
Wanted: Monty Mole | RBG

During the height of the 1984-85 UK Miner’s Strike, Wanted: Monty Mole for the ZX Spectrum was released, in which the titular character; a strike-breaking miner collects coal from a South Yorkshire coal mine in order to support his family during the strike. The antagonist, Arthur Scargil (leader of the National Union of Mineworkers) is defeated by venturing into ‘Arthur’s Castle’ and collecting ballot papers while dodging flying pickets and cans of Scargil’s signature hair spray.

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24th September 2019
Organise 92! Cover Art | Commentary

I voted Remain, and if there’s another vote I’ll do it again, because I owe it to my European friends and family not to shaft them. ‘Leave’ means rejecting solidarity with many good, committed people who keep our movement alive. Brexit is driven by isolationism and xenophobia. I don’t want The Bastards to deport my friends, and The Bastards are definitely in charge.

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22nd September 2019
Fashy Social Media Site Now Comes In Pink | Investigation

On August 12th, a new social media platform Spinster, targeted at creating a safe space for transphobic speech was launched promoting itself as "Free Speech for Feminists". It immediately came under questions from trans advocates and anti fascists for its connections to Alt-Right social media networks. Within a week it had onboarded over 4500 users, the vast majority of them drawn from the "Gender Critical" movement, and instances had been seen of users dehumanising and promoting the murder of trans people.

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18th September 2019
The End of Tolerance | Book Review

The End of Tolerance was written by Arun Kundnani twelve years ago – the book now seems to serve as some kind of eerie foreshadowing, or horrific prologue to where we are now.

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13th September 2019
Hongkongers Ain't Nothing To Fuck With | International

When we talk about Hong Kong fighting for “democracy” we cannot frame it in our own context. It is a colony population fighting for the rights to self determination and autonomy. For older generations this means appealing to the former colonial masters for help, for the younger it means revolutionary action.

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12th September 2019
Interview With An Earth Strike Organiser | Interview

Sab is the organiser for Earth Strike UK in the South West. He’s an active and well known voice in Bristol’s Anarchist and Environmental movements and kindly gave up his time to meet us down the pub for a chat about about Earth Strike and the climate strike.

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12th September 2019
Anarchist Festival Announces Its 2020 Dates | Announcement

Anarchist Festival, a decentralised event happening across Britain and Ireland since 2018, has announced its 2020 dates.
Here is what the Afest collective has to say.

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