
15th June 2023
Refugees Murdered by the State | Greece

Violence, internment and death has met refugees everywhere they turn. The white supremacist fortress commonly known as “Europe” responds to people fleeing devastation with even more devastation. From Greece to Britain, people die every day, trapped between the borders and in the concentration camps of the so-called “free world”. Yesterday, another boat sunk in the […]

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28th March 2023
Armenia: refugee squatters and their struggles

As the Azeri state’s genocidal blockade of Artsakh continues, refugees from the besieged region have found little help from the Armenian state. Unable to find any place to shelter them, many of these refugees took to squatting abandoned buildings. Since 2018, about 120 refugee families have squatted the former Ministry of Defence building, fixing it […]

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11th February 2023
Eyewitness report: Fascist riot in Merseyside

This was one of the most violent and intense far-right gatherings in recent times.

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30th November 2021
Detained and Banned from Europe | Witness

Guards come and laugh at me through the bars of my cell.

“You’re the English, right?”, they ask me. “What are you doing here?”

“You tell me,” I say, for the hundredth time. But they just laugh, and wander off.

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25th November 2021
27 | Current Events

27 People died.
They died because of Fortress Europe.
They died because the state uses the Channel like a moat.

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18th November 2021
Artin, Little Man, I Remember You. | Witness

You push it away and try to move on. But it won’t go away. And the more reports we received, how painfully clear it became … two parents, brother and sister have died and been found, a child of 15 months has been missing. In the meantime we received confirmation …

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15th November 2021
Émigrés, Immigrants, Humans | Current Events

These people need material aid now. There have been numerous deaths leading up to this and that’s before winter hits. The British response has to send army engineers to see if they can improve the border fence.

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