Dispatch From Khartoum #3


24th March 2022

The uprising in Sudan continues. The past few days has seen the movements close down the capital city, Khartoum, bringing the city to a stand still. They have done this with a combination of brick barricades and smoke screens created by burning tires. As we post this, the demonstrations are heading towards the presidential palace of the government oncemore.

General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the head of the ruling Junta, has refused to appoint a prime minister, civilian or otherwise, tho the demonstrations have softened his position to suggesting one would be appointed after negotiatian with civilian bodies and the uprising. The resistance commitees of Sudan have thoroughly rejected talks with the military, the only solution they will entertain is for the military to step out of politics and hand over power to the people oncemore.

The brute force of the military in supressing demonstrations, the murder of dozens of people, including atleast 11 children, the raids on media offices / healthcare facilities, and the usurption of the transition towards democracy all seal the military as an enemy of the people and one which the protests – at least for now – have absolutely no intention of sitting down with.

Meanwhile, a fundraiser organised by the Anarchist Federatioi saw €2680 raised for the Sudanese Anarchist Gathering. This was some 536% more than the target. They decided to re-direct some of these funds towards helping other anarchist organising, chiefly comrades in Ukraine, where they donated monies to Operation Solidarity (www.operation-solidarity.org), ABC Dresden (www.abcdd.org./en/2022/02/240support-anarchist-community-in-ukrain-during-war), ABC Galicja (https://zrzutka.pl/9hubp6), and Federation of German speaking Anarchists - FdA - Project Safehouse (https://fda-ifa.org/ukraine2022/). When pressed on whether they were sure this is how they wanted to use the monies given to them they replied “Yes … we are one team. We sleep with one idea. We help each other so that the idea expands and the whole world becomes anarchist.”

(Info via Sudanese Anarchists Gathering)

Dispatch #1
Dispatch #2

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