
17th February 2019
Apologia for Killmonger

Warning: The following text is a discussion of the film Black Panther. It contains several spoilers for the film, so if the reader is yet to see it, they are urged to do so before reading on. The author is a white male residing in London and is not familiar with Igbo, Xhosa, nor Shona, […]

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17th February 2019
Social Anarchist Futures

After the recent death of beloved anarchist science-fiction author Ursula K. Le Guin, a lot of opinion pieces appeared throughout the anarcho web assessing her legacy, with special focus given to her most overtly anarchist work: The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia. The novel explores, through the eyes of its scientist protagonist Shevek, the ins and […]

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17th February 2019
Assigned Male Comics

Written and Illustrated by Sophie La Belle Sophie is a Canadian author, cartoonist, and public speaker. She is active in the transgender rights movement and speaks on the subjects of trans history and transfeminism. Assigned Male is her long running comic detailing her experiances.It features the character of 12-year-old Stephie, a trans girl discovering and […]

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17th February 2019
Gendered Language in Ursula Le Guin’s Gethen Stories

(This article was originally featured in Organise! 72 - Summer -2009) Science Fiction is at its best when it explores everyday human problems and prejudices through their extrapolation into extreme scenarios; disasters show the best and worst sides of humanity, while dystopias explore the full implications of the political and social impulses that govern us. […]

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17th February 2019
Rest in Power, Ursula

“What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice.” Laia Odo, The Day Before the Revolution by Ursula Le Guin In the days following the announcement of Ursula Le Guin’s death, my social media feeds were full of articles, posts and tweets calling her various versions of "the mother of literary Science […]

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17th February 2019
Statement following London Anarchist Bookfair of October 2017

The following statement was originally posted on the Anarchist Federation Facebook page on 20/11/2017 (Transgender Day of Rememberance). A earlier statement was posted on on 30/10/2017 immediately following the transphobic leafleting at the London Anarchist Bookfair of 28th October 2017 and is available below [1]. Other statements include one by Edinburgh AF which was […]

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17th February 2019
I’m Not Even Going to Try to Pass

I walked into the activist meeting feeling good. I had on my short shorts over tights and my makeup was good. I took my seat next to a stranger, a transwoman. “Are you in transition?” she asked me. Like, within thirty seconds. I genuinely think this was the first thing she said to me after […]

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9th September 2018
Transphobia is a Class Issue

Transphobia is a class issue. By this I mean that in a class society that is also deeply transphobic, it is impossible to talk about transphobia in a meaningful way without also talking about class. Trans people are more likely, all other things being equal, than our cis peers to fall into the most exploited and oppressed sections of the working class and the extent to which transphobia will negatively affect any given trans person’s life will be mediated by their economic class.

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