
17th July 2024
Everything to Play For | Review

Marijam Didžgalvytė (Marijam Did) has a book coming out in Autumn called Everything to Play For, How Videogames are Changing the World (EPF). I was one of the lucky few to be given an advance copy. My deadline for getting my notes into shape was extremely tight but I found the book an engaging read, […]

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26th July 2022
RIOT: Civil Unrest | Red & Black Gamers

Riot: Civil Unrest is a pretty interesting educational tool. It gives players a sense of how chaotic the aforementioned uprisings were, while allowing them to choose how things play out. Sadly, the game is plagued with somewhat buggy and unresponsive AI, which is the game’s near-fatal flaw.

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22nd June 2022

The player is instructed to deliver 20 CVs (job applications/resumes) into “submission boxes,” which are appropriately trashcans, scattered throughout a nearly deserted city, the only inhabitants being Scotty, the Centrelink desk clerk, and a giant floating Scott Morrison head. I’m not kidding.

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1st November 2019
The Outer Worlds | RBG

I really don't understand where other people are coming from with their fawning affection over the games revolutionary patter. It's all surface, it's hideously shallow and pretty inept.

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11th October 2019
Blizzard Boycott | RBG

You probably haven’t heard of Blitzchung but he has just cost Activision Blizzard and their subsidiary Blizzard Entertainment billions.

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9th April 2019
First ever Clapton CFC Esports social - April 11th

This Thursday Clapton CFC (everyone's favourite antifascist London footie club) is running their first ever Esports Social. It's at ExFed (199 Eade Road,, N4 1DN) in London from 6:30 'till 10:30. We recon it's a fantastic move by the Tons to bring the antifascist, LGBT+ positive vibe and drive to Esports and heck who doesn't […]

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6th April 2019
Towards an Ethical Gaming Console

In light of Google’s Stadia, Marijam Didžgalvytė discusses the possibilities for changing the modes of production in the videogaming industry, via Walter Benjamin.

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