
1st August 2024
Spain: Liberal Gay bosses threaten lawsuit against Queer Anarchists | International

Trans and queer squatters, along with a radical grassroots radio station, are being threatened with a civil lawsuit and criminal charges by politically connected liberal gays for publicly denouncing their exploitative work practices TOFUria is one of the various programs hosted by Ràdio Malva, the free radio station of Poblats Marítims (seaside hamlets, now neighbourhoods […]

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14th August 2020
On Belarus | Editorial

They tried to squish the revolutionary movement before it had began, they failed.

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22nd April 2020
Against a Quarantine with Martial Law Characteristics | International

We anarchists are sceptical of authority itself. We do not think those in authority have our best interests at heart. We think they are there only to reproduce and expand their own power. After the crises passes, the state of emergency will be lifted, but the new powers and the new state of surveillance will stay.

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28th November 2019
The Revolt In Iran

There is open revolt in Iran and for some reason and no one seems to be talking about it.

So here is the situation.

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26th October 2019
Latin America and the Caribbean are in Flames | International

Ecuador, Chile, Honduras, Haiti, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Costa Rica, Bolivia… and counting.

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21st June 2019
Anarchism and the Student Movement in Yacuiba

The student movement in the south of Bolivia has a long history, as well as diverse ideological influences. Denying the existence of a student movement in the domain of public universities, especially with the ideological influences of the symbol that it was, affirms that apoliticity on the issue of education is a contradiction

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28th May 2019
Communiqué from the Popular Indigenous Council of Guerrero-Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ) on the recent murder of its members Bartolo Hilario Morales and Isaías Xanteco Ahuejote.

Twenty days after the cowardly murder of our brothers Lucio Bartolo Faustino and Modesto Verales Sebastián, a crime that remains in complete impunity on the part of the three levels of government. With the pain and rage that invade the hearts of the Nahua peoples of the low mountains of the state of Guerrero, we make public the artful murder of our brothers Bartolo Hilario Morales and Isaías Xanteco Ahuejote. Both were indigenous Nahua and local promoters of the Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero–Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ). Those who consummated this atrocious murder are professionals of para-militarism and extrajudicial murder who are agreeable to taking lives. They denigrated and enraged them, dismembered and bagged the compañeros’ bodies, and with this vile act they thought that they could also denigrate their history, and denigrate their life. They were wrong.

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18th March 2019
The Anti-Workers’ Party rage in Brazil: Progressive or Reactionary?

With the radically polarised process of Brazil's presidential elections and the victory of an openly neo-fascist candidate, an important concept emerges that needs to be better understood within the Brazilian and international activist community: The Anti-Workers’ Party (PT) rage.

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