
31st May 2023
Zapatismo Is Under Attack: Call for International Solidarity | International

The war against the Zapatista communities is intensifying. We beg for solidarity from all over the world: stop the aggression against the Zapatista autonomous communities.

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29th May 2023
The Anarchists of Electric Yerevan | Armenia

It’s 2015. In Armenia, utility prices have been rising for two years now, and the government is once again announcing a decision to raise prices by 40% - ostensibly to pay off accumulated debts to hydropower plants and the electricity supplier (Electric Networks of Armenia), now in its third year and owned by the Russian monopoly RAO UES. This provoked a wave of indignation and thousands took to the streets.

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25th May 2023
The Women of Turkey's Last Armenian Village | International

The only remaining Armenian village in Turkey's Hatay region is Vak'ëf, which still exists today and is home to around 140 people. In 2005, five of the village’s Armenian women decided to set up their own co-operative. They wanted to promote their self-organisation and economic independence and help develop their village.

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11th May 2023
Anti-Repression Work in a Ghost Like Movement | International

...the more time passes in exile, the less comrades we will have around, with almost no influx, since the diasporas are not so numerous and mostly consist of the same tired, traumatised and demoralised migrants...

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27th April 2023

It is with pain in our hearts that we wish to inform you of a terrible tragedy. On April 19, 2023, our comrade and friend, the Russian anarchist Dmitry Petrov, better known to you as Ilya "Leshy", died in the battle for the crucial road to Bakhmut.

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17th April 2023
Dispatch from Khartoum #10 | International

We are not neutral, because we are in a peaceful battle since the era of the ousted al-Bashir until now, against the militarization of the country and the control of guns on the streets.

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1st March 2023
WOMEN, LIFE, FREEDOM | International

Manifesto of Basic Demands by Independent Trade and Civil Organizations of Iran

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20th February 2023
Update on Iran: KAF | International

The state, many times, tried to control the situation by reforms through election of its moderate elements and by using general amnesty for activists who have been arrested in the protests but the movement, which seemed to be done, has resurfaced even stronger than the previous one.

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19th December 2022
Iran: Revolt or Revolution | International

Beginning to read this you are probably already familiar with certain names or slogans: Zhina (Mahsa) Amini and „Women, Life, Freedom“ (Jin, Jiyan, Azadi). But who was Mahsa? Why this slogan? Is it an uprising or a revolution, happening before our eyes in Iran?

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4th July 2022
Mass executions in Balochistan | International

Generally the Islamic Republic executed 27 Balochs in the course of 22 days in June 2022. Since the beginning of 2022, 62 Baloch prisoners got executed in the prisons of the Islamic Republic, which is a double increase compared to last year. This means, that even though the Balochs make up only 5% of the Iranian population, they make up more than 21% of the executed.

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2nd July 2022
Dispatch From Khartoum #8 | International

For both the Anarchist gatherings and the people, the goal is the same, and that is the overthrow of the military regime.

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28th June 2022
Dispatch From Khartoum #7 | International

The dream is not a solid block, but rather a stairway that is climbed with perseverance and steps, and the journey itself is just as beautiful as reaching the destination.

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