The dream is not a solid block, but rather a stairway that is climbed with perseverance and steps, and the journey itself is just as beautiful as reaching the destination.
The dream is not a solid block, but rather a stairway that is climbed with perseverance and steps, and the journey itself is just as beautiful as reaching the destination.
We felt it throughout our two-day tour of Gwangju and confirmed it through the seminar we held in the inn with everyone who had come with us: the Gwangju Uprising did not end back in 1980.
“National glory” and “state interests” have always been bought with the blood of common people who share no interests with the rulers that demand their sacrifice.
We stand firmly with our Russian and Ukrainian friends against the tyranny at their door. We stand against the dictator, his lackeys and enablers.
"...our position remains that of revolutionary defeatism, solidarity, fraternisation and rebellion against the High Command of each State."
Casualty Summary More than 200 injured Khartoum 87 injuries (access to hospitals) Of these, 20 were hit by tear gas canisters. 12 in the head and 3 must be transferred to specialized hospitals
Most of the anarchists and antifascists detained during and after the protests of 2020 in Belarus were tortured by security forces. Here I'll be talking about each person and which torture was used against them. |
To our anarchist comrades, a short note on what happened in the demonstrations of January 17.
At the end of July 1988, a great massacre of political prisoners began throughout Iran. Why did the Islamic regime and its supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, decide to commit this crime against humanity? In what context? For what purpose?
On 2nd January 2022, mass protests broke out in Kazakhstan in reaction to the rising cost of living.
Leila Hosseinzadeh, a well-praised Iranian student activist was brutally arrested in Shiraz on December 7th, 2021, and forcefully sent to detention in Shiraz Prison before she was stealthily transferred to 209 Ward of Tehran's Evin Prison.
It's clear from the impact wounds that people have been shot at very close distance with shotguns, likely within 30 meters. These have been load with shells containing lead shot, which isn't easily removed and can have irreversible effects to peoples health.