Dispatch From Khartoum #7


28th June 2022

Demonstrations, propaganda processions, and decentralized processions continue to exhaust the government forces, and the revolutionaries have dubbed them The Road to June 30.

The large, central, mass demonstration that will have a significant impact on overthrowing the tyrannical military regime
The revolutionaries will come from all the different states of Sudan to participate in it, which will be in Khartoum with a very large crowd and the rest of the Sudanese states. Most likely the target will be the presidential palace or the general command of the armed forces.

Injustice and tyranny will fall, and people will enjoy peace, equality and social justice
Society will be cooperative and flowers will emerge from the desert

O our great people, we must go out on the 30th of this June to uproot your rights that were plundered by the fascist authority and bring them down through collective resistance with the unified forces of revolution until the sun of salvation rises and the darkness clears.


Sudanese Anarchists' Gathering

Press Release | Preparation for June 30
Khartoum State Resistance Committees Coordination

The dream is not a solid block, but rather a stairway that is climbed with perseverance and steps, and the journey itself is just as beautiful as reaching the destination.

The 30th of June is approaching, and preparations are in full swing, with arrangements from all committees and coordinations continuing unabated.

Preparation for June 30 entails transforming all aspects of everyday life into invitations for this great day. The individual is a system that may function from waking up to falling asleep to call for the auspicious June 30, in the workplace.. transportation.. social gatherings.. cultural.. sports.. and social media groups. They are all places in which we may work together without becoming weary or bored. As for the field side, the committees’ kennel is filled with arrows and surprises that excite the revolutionaries and frighten the putschists.

Our message to everyone:

1. To the revolutionaries: Let us make the call to go out on the thirtieth of June a daily act in all aspects of life, and to renounce small differences, for the goal is greater, and the trust is the souls of martyrs; we may walk in different paths, but we certainly have one destination and one goal.

2. To the revolutionaries abroad: You have been and are still providing financial, moral and media support, so your role is no less than that of the revolutionaries at home, so make the 30th of June a day to remember for all at your places, and show the world that Sudanese are one body and one soul.

3. To those who are neutral: Know that this is a moral battle, and that in a moral situation there is no place for neutrality, and that the present deterioration, despite its severity, is not the end but the beginning; then you will recognize your wrongdoing and feel guilt and shame.

4. To the security services: Know that throughout history, no tyrant has prevailed over his people, and that regardless of how long the tyranny and the mobilization of the oppressor’s military machine, his destiny is the dustbin of history, and the former government is a close example. Keep in mind that the tyrant is the first to sacrifice his soldiers and blame them for his crimes, as evidenced by Al-Burhan’s recent remarks, and the killers of martyrs now standing before the courts as even greater evidence, so be on the side of your people and family.

5. To the putschists: victory is undoubtedly coming. The coups era in Sudan is over and forever, and nothing will save you from the raging waves of the revolution. Therefore, submit unconditionally and cease engaging in further filth and illegal activity.

The thirtieth of June is not the end of the waves of the revolution, but it is a tsunami that shatters the fortresses of the coup and makes it naked in front of the waves to come. Victory is coming, guarded by the hopes of the people and the souls of the martyrs.

Field Office
Khartoum State Resistance Committees Coordination

June 25, 2022

  • Greater Omdurman Resistance Committees Coordination
  • Khartoum City Resistance Committees Coordination
  • Bahri Neighborhoods Resistance Committees
  • El Haji Yousif Resistance Committees Association
  • Sharg Al Nil Coordination

Dispatch #1
Dispatch #2
Dispatch #3
Dispatch #4
Dispatch #5
Dispatch #6

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