To help raise funds to support this fantastic work, we are holding a design competition and will subsequently be selling T-shirts on a none profit basis to raise funds and keep these organisations in food, fuel and supplies in general.
To help raise funds to support this fantastic work, we are holding a design competition and will subsequently be selling T-shirts on a none profit basis to raise funds and keep these organisations in food, fuel and supplies in general.
"KAFEH!" declares itself the protector of the weak and of the oppressed, as well as of victims of injustice practiced by the current authoritarian patriarchal dominant system.
The follow is a Report on the NO PASARAN! demonstration of September 14th from comrades with the Anarchist Political Organisation (APO) of Greece.
The Anarchist Federation is expressing its full support to everyone in Exarcheia.
We’re excited to announce that an Anarchist bookfair will be returning to London on Saturday October 24th 2020.
After being identified following the attack of the Parliment on May 21st - An action in support of Dimitris Koufontinas, a comrade imprisoned for life on a hunger strike - two activists must collect 60,000 euros before 14 June, otherwise they will spend 10 years in jail.
Twenty days after the cowardly murder of our brothers Lucio Bartolo Faustino and Modesto Verales Sebastián, a crime that remains in complete impunity on the part of the three levels of government. With the pain and rage that invade the hearts of the Nahua peoples of the low mountains of the state of Guerrero, we make public the artful murder of our brothers Bartolo Hilario Morales and Isaías Xanteco Ahuejote. Both were indigenous Nahua and local promoters of the Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero–Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ). Those who consummated this atrocious murder are professionals of para-militarism and extrajudicial murder who are agreeable to taking lives. They denigrated and enraged them, dismembered and bagged the compañeros’ bodies, and with this vile act they thought that they could also denigrate their history, and denigrate their life. They were wrong.
This is a public communication from the High security prison in Santiago and extends to a mobilization of all the prisons of the territory in Chile.
(فارس زیر) The most beautiful news to the ears of Internationalists is the stirrings of revolution and Anarchism around the globe. Other the past few years we've several groups become more visible and active, from union organising Bangladeshi Garment workers to mayday marches revolution minded Indonesians. Recently we’ve seen folk come together to form “the […]
On March 28th, we’ll be joining with a host of other people, from members of faith groups to trade unionists, to confront those who profit from death and abuse. If you want to take a stand, scroll down for the practical info, if you’d like to know more first, read on for our DPRTE FAQ!
Several weeks ago, a movement of anger as we have not seen in a longtime appeared in France, totally disorienting the state power. It is understandable and legitimate in regard to the suffered social violence; the diversity of its participants is an indication of how much people are fed up with the successive, more or […]
The presidential elections in Brazil ended with the victory of the neo-fascist candidate Jair Bolsonaro of the far-right party Social Liberal Party (PSL), with just over 55% of the valid votes. After a necessary period of recovery and reflection, we as the Brazilian Women Against Fascism UK group would like to outline what we believe are […]