Current Events

14th March 2021
Shame On You Met. Police | Current Events

This isn't about covid regulations.
It's about women not doing what they are told. It's about a display of force from an organisation which has hundreds of domestic violence incidents within it each year. It's about Sarah Everard and She Was Just Walking Home.

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11th March 2021
Igor Bancer Is On Hunger Strike | International

Jailed musician and activist Igor Bancer (Ihar Bantsar) is on dry hunger strike. Igor is refusing to drink water or eat. Today is his ninth day.

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3rd March 2021
Ruymán Rodríguez | Solidarity

This is a call for solidarity with Ruymán Rodríguez, anarchist repressed, tortured and persecuted by the Spanish state for housing the poor.

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22nd January 2021
Justice For Mohamud | Current Events

On the 9th of January, Mohamud Mohammed Hassan was murdered by the South Wales Police in Cardiff. Communities across the city soon rallied to oppose this blatant, horrible act of racism, with a fundraiser for Mohamud's family reaching its goal of £30,000 within two days, and the hashtag '#Justice4Mohamud' quickly spreading like wildfire throughout social media.

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9th December 2020
Every Moment of the Oppressed is a Crisis! | International

Every moment of an oppressed person is a crisis. The economic crises of the governments are added, but these crises do not develop involuntarily. The crisis that powers use to grow, gain and exploit more; the rich get rich, the poor get poor.

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16th August 2020
Stuart Christie | Rest In Power

Stuart Christie, one of the most influential British anarchists of modern times, has died from lung cancer aged 74.

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14th August 2020
On Belarus | Editorial

They tried to squish the revolutionary movement before it had began, they failed.

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10th June 2020
Dear White People at Black Lives Matter Protests | Current Events

My fellow white anarchists, white leftists, white accomplices, and even you, well meaning white liberal friend I haven’t spoken to since school, this list is for you.

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1st May 2020
Life has stopped, we have not stopped | Statement

We speak as young workers, those who serve their homes closed under the name of corona virus outbreak measures. It is now time to raise our voices, which we maintain between cashiers, we deliver from one cargo engine to another, and we whisper between parcels on our back, and orders in the kitchens.

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30th April 2020
Is this the Time for a Rent Strike? | Theory and Analysis

Capitalism is global. States support one another at the global level. A revolution in one single place isn’t possible, at least not for the long term. An internationalist vision is essential in this time of pandemic, xenophobia, borders, and transnational corporations.

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28th April 2020
International Workers Memorial Day | Calander

Every year, more than two million people worldwide are killed as the result of work-related accidents or diseases, more than the annual total of every person who is killed in every war across the world. This means that every fifteen seconds, a worker is killed.

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26th April 2020
The politics of pandemic | Current Events

The bastards laughed, clapped and cheered as they blocked a pay rise for nurses.

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