
14th August 2019
Stateless and Oppressed | International

"... The Bidoons have been trapped in near sixty years of administrative ethnic cleansing as the world, as it so often does, remains quiet. An inconvenient reality from one of the UK's main trade partners with some £3.5 billion in mutual trade in 2018 alone. This includes the shipments of Arms with Kuwait being one of the “priority markets” for the UK's Department for International Trade's Defence & Security Organisation (DSO) and being a repeat attendee of the marketplace for death that is London's Defence & Security Equipment International Expo."

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4th August 2019
The 11th Congress of the IFA | International

The end of last month saw the 11th Congress of the International of Anarchist Federations, which co-ordinates social anarchist organisations across 13 different national and language regions in three continents — we reproduce reports from the gathering below.

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26th July 2019
For a World Without Countries and Without Borders | IFA

Antimilitarism has always been one of the battlefields of the anarchist movement. Today like yesterday, facing the massacre of the First World War, the fight against war is firmly rooted in the struggle for social transformation.

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22nd July 2019
Their fight was ours, Their fight will continue in ours! | International

"... The ongoing injustice, oppression and violence since the massacre continued in Istanbul and Ankara against those gathered to commemorate them."

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20th July 2019
The Arms Industry and the Business of War | IFA

Today we keep witnessing the cruel barbarity, with more military and armament technology. Once again, instead of using science for making our lives easier, it is being used to defend the interests of the states and its high classes. In this way, being helped by the huge technology advances, the war has become one of the biggest businesses of the world’s leaders. With this, in this semi globalised world and big armies, we encounter the largest exodus and genocide in the history of humanity.

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2nd July 2019
When the Robots Fire Us | IFA

Computers are replacing people's jobs much faster, than new ones get created. What shall we do then?

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1st July 2019
A Review of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson: Nepotism and Self-Entitlement

As the private election inside the the Tory party comes closer and it looks to everyone like our next PM will be Boris Johnson, we thought we'd ask an international comrade whose knows very little about the man to do a little research and let us know what conclusions fresh eyes come to. These are his results...

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21st June 2019
Anarchism and the Student Movement in Yacuiba

The student movement in the south of Bolivia has a long history, as well as diverse ideological influences. Denying the existence of a student movement in the domain of public universities, especially with the ideological influences of the symbol that it was, affirms that apoliticity on the issue of education is a contradiction

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30th May 2019
Statement Against Repression of Resistance in Greece

After being identified following the attack of the Parliment on May 21st - An action in support of Dimitris Koufontinas, a comrade imprisoned for life on a hunger strike - two activists must collect 60,000 euros before 14 June, otherwise they will spend 10 years in jail.

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28th May 2019
Communiqué from the Popular Indigenous Council of Guerrero-Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ) on the recent murder of its members Bartolo Hilario Morales and Isaías Xanteco Ahuejote.

Twenty days after the cowardly murder of our brothers Lucio Bartolo Faustino and Modesto Verales Sebastián, a crime that remains in complete impunity on the part of the three levels of government. With the pain and rage that invade the hearts of the Nahua peoples of the low mountains of the state of Guerrero, we make public the artful murder of our brothers Bartolo Hilario Morales and Isaías Xanteco Ahuejote. Both were indigenous Nahua and local promoters of the Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero–Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ). Those who consummated this atrocious murder are professionals of para-militarism and extrajudicial murder who are agreeable to taking lives. They denigrated and enraged them, dismembered and bagged the compañeros’ bodies, and with this vile act they thought that they could also denigrate their history, and denigrate their life. They were wrong.

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21st May 2019
Public statement from the High Security Prison in Santiago, Chile; Against prison and law 321

This is a public communication from the High security prison in Santiago and extends to a mobilization of all the prisons of the territory in Chile.

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11th May 2019
Knife attack in Publico!

Last Thursday, the day after major Mayday demonstrations, a comrade from the Fédération Anarchiste was attacked in the FA's Parisian infoshop and bookstore Publico by a man in his mid 40's with a knife. The attacker came at Christophe with a knife while he was packing books and hit him so violently that part of […]

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