For both the Anarchist gatherings and the people, the goal is the same, and that is the overthrow of the military regime.
For both the Anarchist gatherings and the people, the goal is the same, and that is the overthrow of the military regime.
The dream is not a solid block, but rather a stairway that is climbed with perseverance and steps, and the journey itself is just as beautiful as reaching the destination.
We felt it throughout our two-day tour of Gwangju and confirmed it through the seminar we held in the inn with everyone who had come with us: the Gwangju Uprising did not end back in 1980.
Through this system of rotating the workforce through positions that are actually structural, the legal regulation limiting the chaining of temporary contracts and determining the causality of contracting for work was being violated, forcing those who actually performed permanent functions to be presumed to be permanent.
The resistence continues daily. They go out and face live ammunition from shotguns and AK47's aswell as water cannons, tear gas, and melee weapons. The state is murdering people almost daily. The struggle continues.
It was a great day, we did a heroic epic against the government forces despite the brutal suppression of the fascist government forces, we were in a state of steadfastness and resistance. The government forces tried new tactics and the addition of police dogs and horses to clamp down on the rebels.
A quick summary about demonstrations which took place this last Saturday in France against far right, and more specifically against the presence of Marine Le Pen in the second turn of presidential elections.
There continues to be reports of stabbings and lacerations caused by militerised police bearing machetes. A weapon that is used entirely to inspire terror
The uprising in Sudan continues. The past few days has seen the movements close down the capital city, Khartoum, bringing the city to a stand still.
“National glory” and “state interests” have always been bought with the blood of common people who share no interests with the rulers that demand their sacrifice.
Casualty Summary More than 200 injured Khartoum 87 injuries (access to hospitals) Of these, 20 were hit by tear gas canisters. 12 in the head and 3 must be transferred to specialized hospitals
It’s about damn time. This week, 5 members of the long-exiled Chagossian community were finally able to return to their islands without British supervision, for the first time in 50 years.